Dear Parents: Do Not Disturb Your Teens When They Are Scrolling

Imagine when you were teenager. There really was only one thing you were a fan of, and most likely all your friends shared that interest, because they too saw it on one of the three TV channels. But with the rise of technology, teens are now exposed to everything from all parts of the world. It is no longer that one radio station or the three TV channels, it’s online music streaming, hundreds of channels, e-readers and Netflix. Today a young person is exposed to an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media. That’s billions of possible interests, and “fandom” is now taking center-stage. Fandom literally means “the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something”. One can be in a fandom for anything. Some of these include: books, movies, music, actors, and TV shows, to name a few. Many parents believe that fandom is a waste of time, and I couldn’t disagree more, in fact, fandom has many benefits. Fandom helps us heal According to an article on Ps...