The Ultimate Question: Homeschooling or "Normal" School?

I have experienced both homeschooling and public school, so I will try not to be biased. I was homeschooled all my life by my mom and started going to school for Grade 11. "Homeschooling" is when a student is taught at home under the guidance of a parent; public school is when a student is taught in a school building under the guidance of teachers. Each side has its pros and cons, as it is with any debate but this one in particular has always been a heated one (second to Yanny or Laurel - I hear Yanny). Let's start with the pros. PROS Homeschooling student can study at their own pace (especially children who are gifted academically or socially or have learning disabilities or other forms of disabilities) flexibility of time (student can take time off when needed and catch up later) vacationing is easy (can take time off to travel) learning can be incorporated in fun things such as travel and count as schoolwork working independentl...