The 2018 World Cup is An International Phenomena
The World Cup 2018 kicked off in Russia yesterday, beginning an international phenomena that has been shaking the world every four years since 1930, and I'm living for it. All around the world people are clamoring into sports bars or in front of their TV to tune into this sports event. The World Cup Final saw 3.2 billion in-home viewers in 2014, and prior to that 910 million people watched at least part of the final match in South Africa 2010 (according to FIFA). Compared to that, the 2014 Super Bowl saw 111.5 million views worldwide (103.4 in 2018) and the 2014 Olympics saw 21.4 million views and the 2018 Korea Olympics saw its lowest ever at 19.8 million views. So, why does the World Cup have the highest views of a sports event of all time? I'm taking a look at this question and seeing what I can make of it.
Being a worldwide event, everyone wants to tune in and support their country. Fans go a long way to make sure their support for their country is seen. And when that country wins... let's just say that football fans can be a very rowdy bunch!
1. People love soccer.
Out of all the team sports, soccer (known as football in most of the world) is the most beloved sport. It's simple! You don't need any fancy gear, no helmets or knee pads or sticks. All you need is your legs, something round to use as a ball (any ball will do, even a volleyball - just don't use a rock), something vaguely representing nets (coats, shoes anything you can use to mark out a "net") and your friends. It's affordable and easy. For those of you who don't know (but come on you probably do) the rules of the game goes as follows: you need a field, with two nets on either end. You have two teams and one ball. Each team tries to kick the ball into the other team's net, and vice versa. If you get the ball in the net, it's a goal. The team with the most goals wins. That's it. There's a referee to make sure no one dies, a goalie guarding the net, and rules like if you touch the ball with your hand, then the other team can get a "free kick" which is a shot directly on the goalie. The game is separated into two 45 minute halves with a half-time between them.
It doesn't matter if you have no money or tons of it, anyone can play football and it's fun! I remember how my friends and I would grab a ball and go play football in the field, using our shoes as net markers. We had a good time. In fact, here in Canada, it's coming out that more Canadian youth are playing football than hockey. (!) Soccer Night in Canada, anyone? Although our national team still has yet to get to the World Cup.
2. It's an act of patriotism.

3. It's unifying.
The World Cup is the one sporting event that deserves a "we are one" anthem. You can feel the energy of all the fans around the world tuning in for this one epic game and everywhere you go cars have the flags up, stores have merchandise, people are wearing their t-shirts (Poland anyone?). In some countries, you can walk down the street and hear the cheers and boos of the fans coming from their open windows. Never mind actually being in the stadium.
You're probably wondering, why does she feel so passionate about this game? Because the first time I saw it, it blew me away. I was in my apartment living room on a cool June afternoon and I saw my first football game. We were bored and it was the 2014 World Cup kickoff, so we decided, "Oh what the heck, let's watch it." We watched the opening ceremony and opening match between Brazil and Croatia. Brazil won 3 - 1. I remember watching it, mesmerized ( and low-key crushing on Neymar) and thinking What is this game? We continued watching, and we went to Walmart and bought ourselves little Brazil shirts from the boys' section, screaming during the Round of 16 Brazil vs Chile game (dang, that was stressful) and crying so hard when Germany beat Brazil 7 - 1. Ow. I have so many fond memories of the game and I am beyond excited to see what 2018 will bring! Now, let me go find my Brazil shirt from four years ago...
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